Airspace change proposal for RAAF East Sale - new control zone B

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    Open consultation
    21 days remaining
    Start 28/08/2024
    AEST 10:00
    End 30/09/2024
    AEST 17:00

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    Airspace change proposal to create a new Control Zone B (CTR B) at Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) East Sale.

    The issue

    Historically, whenever military flying operations have taken place at East Sale (ESL), all of the ESL restricted airspace has been activated, regardless of the type of activity. 

    Since June 2024, a more efficient use of the ESL airspace has been in place. Specifically, if circuit operations only are programmed, rather than activating all of the restricted airspace, only the ESL controlled traffic region has been activated. This has resulted in a more efficient use of the airspace by activating only that small portion needed, and thereby gives other airspace users greater access to the airspace without the restrictions around restricted area 2 (RA2). 

    RAAF ESL are proposing the change to support flying display training by the RAAF Roulette Aerobatic Team overhead the airfield, as well as some higher-level training overhead the airfield. The vertical limits of the ESL controlled traffic region are surface (SFC) to 3000 feet above mean sea level (AMSL), a CTR B is required to allow flying operations within 5 nautical miles (n mile) of the aerodrome up to 6000 feet AMSL. 

    Rather than activate all of R360 and M301 for flying overhead the airfield, only the CTR B would be activated, which will allow greater access to the surrounding airspace without the requirements of RA2 airspace, as well as a more efficient use of the airspace.


    RAAF East Sale are submitting an airspace change proposal to create a Control Zone B (CTR B), lateral dimensions on 5 nm, vertical dimensions SFC to 7000 ft.



    The introduction of the PC21 aircraft as the Australian Defence Force's (ADF) flying training aircraft, and the relocation of No 1 Flying Training School from Tamworth to RAAF East Sale has seen a significant increase in military flying training at East Sale. As the use of the PC21 aircraft has evolved, the ADF are now conducting all initial flying training at East Sale from the Basic Flying Training Course to graduation and awarding of “Wings”. The increased flying rate associated with the training courses has seen an increase in the amount of flying within the East Sale restricted airspace, as well as an increase in the amount of circuit training.

    Historically, whenever military flying operations have taken place at East Sale, all of the East Sale restricted airspace (R360/M301) has been activated, regardless of the type of activity. Since June 2024 a more efficient use of the East Sale airspace has been in place. Specifically, if circuit operations only are programmed, rather that activating all of the restricted airspace, only the East Sale controlled traffic region has been activated. This has resulted in a more efficient use of the airspace by activating only that portion needed for circuit training, and thereby gives other airspace users greater access to the airspace without the restrictions associated with RA2.

    Following the proving of the concept of activating the controlled traffic region for circuit only operations, East Sale are proposing the creation of a CTR B to facilitate flying training overhead the airfield, without the need to activate all of R360 and M301.


    453SQN East Sale Flight on behalf of RAAF East Sale Pilot Training Schools have proposed this airspace change to enable overhead flying display training by the RAAF Roulette Aerobatic Team, and circuit area training with overhead airspace available for airborne instructor holds for 1FTS. The dimensions of the existing East Sale controlled traffic region are a 5 n mile radius, SFC to 3000 feet AMSL.  A CTR B with identical lateral dimensions but a vertical dimension of SFC – A070 is required to allow flying operations within 5 n mile of the aerodrome up to 6000 feet. Creation of a CTR B will facilitate flying activities within 5 n mile of the East Sale aerodrome that need a higher level than the existing controlled traffic region, but do not require the full activation of the East Sale restricted airspace (R360/M301).

    The CTR B would only be activated when it was required for specific flying training activities.


    Creation of a CTR B will result in a more efficient use of the East Sale military airspace. Rather than activate all of East Sale restricted airspace (R360/M301) for flying operations that only occur within a 5 nm radius of the East Sale aerodrome, only that airspace which is needed for the training will be activated. The CTR B will facilitate operations within 5 nm of the aerodrome that need a higher level than the existing controlled traffic region, but not requiring full activation of R360/M301. This is a significant improvement to the efficiency of RAAF East Sale aerodrome operations and civil use of the surrounding airspace. Not activating the East Sale restricted airspace in its entirety will allow civil users, particularly general and recreational aviation aircraft access to military RA2 airspace that they may have been excluded from using or subject to clearances. The benefits to the change will be most obvious during Eastern Daylight Savings Time allowing greater access to airspace during the longer daylight time period in the late afternoon.

    LATERAL LIMITS: A circle radius 5.00 nm centre 380556S 1470858E (YMES/AD)
    HOURS OF ACTIVATION: Notice to Airmen (NOTAM)

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