Proposed reactivation of Northam Training Area danger area for Defence activities

On this page

    Open consultation
    17 days remaining
    Start 30/08/2024
    AEST 10:00
    End 26/09/2024
    AEST 17:00

    Submit feedback to

    Peter  Leffley
    Range Training Area Management WA

    Northam Training Area requires a danger area to be activated periodically to enable certain Defence training activities.

    The issue

    • Expected to be activated 10-15 times each year, for no more than 8 hours on a given day.
    • Lateral limits are a radius of 1.5 nautical miles from 31.6650S 116.6100E.


    Northam Training Area is used for field and driver training. This requires the use of pyrotechnics, battle noise simulation and unmanned aerial systems to be used occasionally. The danger area is proposed from surface level to 3000 feet for public safety including safety of aircraft in flight.


    Re-establish D128 (deactivated in 2010 in error) over Northam Training Area utilising a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) to notify airspace users of the danger area that will have extend vertically from surface to 3000 feet and lateral limit that is a 1.5 nautical mile radius from the centre of the training area.

    Northam Training Area Air Space VTC Overlay
    Northam Training Area Air Space Map

    Submitted by

    Peter Leffley
    Range Training Area Management WA