Proposed restricted areas near Laverton Shire

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    Open consultation
    SA WA
    8 days remaining
    Start 29/01/2025
    AEDT 11:00
    End 26/02/2025
    AEDT 17:00

    Submit feedback to

    Patricia  Atkinson
    Joint Airspace Control Cell

    2 Restricted Areas (RAs) will be established to assure the safety of civilian aircraft.

    The issue

    Defence has identified a need to establish new restricted airspace to support Defence activities necessary for ensuring Australia’s continued safety and security in support of Government’s 2024 National Defence Strategy.

    2 RAs are proposed to be established to assure the safety of civilian aircraft. 

    1 RA will be located in Laverton Shire in Western Australia, between the towns of Laverton and Warburton. The other RA will extend from Laverton Shire to the Woomera Restricted Airspace (WRX) in South Australia. 



    Defence has identified a need to establish new restricted airspace to support Defence activities necessary for ensuring Australia’s continued safety and security in support of Government’s 2024 National Defence Strategy.


    Restricted area in Laverton Shire

    The RA in Laverton Shire will be activated:

    • for short periods (four to six hours per activation)
    • an anticipated four to six times per year
    • at various levels

    Additionally, the RA in Laverton Shire will allow continued use of:

    • Q41
    • A585
    • Gruyere RNP

    The RA in Laverton Shire will affect:

    • W408
    • Y69

    The airspace will be deactivated by NOTAM once Defence has completed activities. Defence may release the airspace to Melbourne Centre if it will not be used for a prolonged period.

    During NOTAM activation periods, access by non-participant aircraft through active RAs will not be available except in cases of a declared emergency, or participating in activities for the preservation of life and property (SAR, MED, POL or FFR). 

    The proposed NOTAM will display as follows:

    • YBBB/R222L
    • Conditional Status: RA2
    • Lateral Limits: 280143S 1260624E - 282357S 1252844E - 282340S 1245731E - 281908S 1244432E - 280535S 1241847E - 280758S 1240434E - 274335S 1240412E - 271360S 1242135E - 265937S 1245125E - 270014S 1251839E - 264914S 1254022E - 264939S 1260353E - 270908S 1262819E - 280143S 1260624E
    • Vertical Limits: SFC – FL600 
    • Hours of Activity: NOTAM
    • Controlling Authority: Air Force RCO - Woomera
    Figure 1 - Proposed RA in Laverton Shire

    Restricted area between Laverton Shire and WRX

    The RA between Laverton Shire and the WRX will be activated:

    • for short periods (four to six hours per activation) (Not 24 hours)
    • coincidently with the WRX
    • an anticipated three to four times per year
    • at high levels (overflight not available)

    Additionally, the Restricted Area between Laverton Shire and the WRX will allow continued use of N640. Diverting around the RAs Ceduna to Port Headland is 1136 nautical miles (n mile), compared to 1074 n mile via A585.

    The Restricted Area between Laverton Shire and the WRX will affect:

    • W408
    • Y69
    • Q41
    • A585
    • Gruyere RNP and aerodrome
    • Oak Valley and Maralinga Aerodromes

    The airspace will be deactivated by NOTAM once Defence has completed activities. Defence may release the airspace to Melbourne Centre if it will not be used for a prolonged period.

    During NOTAM activation periods, access by non-participant aircraft through active Restricted Areas will not be available except in cases of a declared emergency, or participating in activities for the preservation of life and property (SAR, MED, POL or FFR).

    The proposed NOTAM will display as follows:

    • YBBB/R222K
    • Conditional Status: RA2
    • Lateral Limits: 275000S 1320000E - 280800S 1320000E - 280800S 1313000E - 295400S 1313000E - 300500S 1320000E - 302549S 1321536E - 282536S 1234456E - 272935S 1234456E - 263014S 1245809E - 275000S 1320000E
    • Vertical Limits: SFC – UNL
    • Hours of activity: NOTAM
    • Controlling Authority: Air Force RCO - Woomera.


    Figure 2 - Proposed RA between Laverton Shire and WRX
    Figure 3 - Diversion around RAs

    Submitted by

    Patricia  Atkinson