Proposed rocket launch near White Cliffs, New South Wales

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    Open consultation
    5 days remaining
    Start 09/01/2025
    AEDT 11:00
    End 17/01/2025
    AEDT 17:00

    Submit feedback to

    Liam  Grieve
    Endeavour Aerospace

    Proposed rocket launches from surface (SFC) to Flight Level (FL) 125 and unlimited height (UNL) to the north northeast (NNE) of White Cliffs.

    The issue

    Endeavour Aerospace is seeking to conduct high-powered rocket launches at Caradoc Station approximately 12.5 nautical miles (n mile) to the NNE of White Cliffs Aerodrome from 8 March 2025 to 11 March 2025. 

    AvSEF members should check relevant Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) closer to the date to confirm whether the activity is proceeding. The proponent is in the process of conducting consultation regarding the activity with known airspace users such as commercial airlines and other stakeholders. 

    Two rockets will be launched a total of three times to an altitude of 10,200 feet throughout the proposed launch windows of 0800 – 1600 Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) each day. In addition, a flight of a large two stage sounding rocket will take place necessitating a second temporary restricted airspace (TRA) from SFC to UNL, with the window for launch for the two stage being 0700 – 1200 AEDT each day. 

    The four launch windows are required due to possible delays with the flight or due to adverse weather. As part of procedures for the launch activity, contact will be made with Airservices Australia at least 30 minutes before the flight of the rocket intended to be launched into controlled airspace to confirm the activation of the TRA and that no objection to the timing of each launch exists. 

    In addition to this, Class G Airspace will be monitored for aircraft before and during the launch activities. This will include maintaining a visual watch of the airspace, monitoring Very High Frequency (VHF) Radio transmissions and finally monitoring automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast (ADS-B) Transmission from the area.


    Endeavour Aerospace is seeking stakeholder input concerning the following:

    • safety
    • environment
    • national security
    • equity of airspace
    • any activities scheduled for the same volume of airspace over the same period.

    Please provide feedback as this will ensure a consideration can be made on such issues during the assessment process.


    A TRA extending 6 n mile from the launch site (30°40'06.8"S 143°11'40.6"E) from SFC to FL125 will be established for a period inclusive of 8 March 2025 – 11 March 2025. In addition, a second TRA extending 12 n mile from the point (30°39'34.7"S 143°15'58.6"E) from SFC to UNL will be established to support the launch of a two-stage sounding rocket. 

    Approximate Timings 

    SFC – UNL 

    • 8 March 2025: 0700 – 1200 AEDT (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) + 11)
    • 9 March 2025: 0700 – 1200 AEDT (UTC+11) 
    • 10 March 2025: 0700 – 1200 AEDT (UTC+11) 
    • 11 March 2025: 0700 – 1200 AEDT (UTC+11) 

    SCF – FL125 

    • 8 March 2025: 0800 – 1600 Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) + 11) 
    • 9 March 2025: 0800 – 1600 AEDT (UTC+11) 
    • 10 March 2025: 0800 – 1600 AEDT (UTC+11) 
    • 11 March 2025: 0800 – 1600 AEDT (UTC+11) 

    The 4-day launch window is required due to possible delays with the flight or due to adverse weather. The vehicles flying are a hybrid motor powered rocket which will be recovered and flown again and a solid rocket motor powered rocket, both vehicles are for private research purposes.

    Please see the images below: 

    12 n mile TRA on an enroute chart high
    6 n mile TRA on an enroute chart low
    6 n mile TRA on an enroute chart low
    12nm TRA on an enroute chart low

    Submitted by

    Liam  Grieve
    Endeavour Aerospace