RAAF Roulettes TRA Hobart

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    Open consultation
    4 days remaining
    Start 01/09/2024
    AEST 10:00
    End 13/09/2024
    AEST 17:00

    Submit feedback to

    Department of Defence  Department of Defence
    Department of Defence

    The Temporary Restricted Area (TRA) proposal for Royal Australia Air Force (RAAF) Roulettes operations from surface (SFC) to 7000 feet above mean sea level (A070) within 5 nautical miles (n mile) of Hobart Cenotaph excluding coincident control areas on 14 and 15 September 2024.

    The issue

    A TRA is to be established overhead Hobart Cenotaph on 14 and 15 of September 2024, which may affect aviation operations in the vicinity of Hobart Airport (YMHB).


    Stakeholder engagement for proposed establishment of a TRA in the vicinity of YMHB on 14 and 15 September 2024.


    To facilitate RAAF Roulettes operations in support of Battle of Britain Commemorations on14 and 15 of September 2024, a TRA will be established from SFC - A070 within 5 n mile of Hobart Cenotaph excluding nearby control areas. Roulettes operations are anticipated to include use of the Hobart control areas, restricted to the West of the Meehan Ranges, as coordinated with Hobart air traffic services on the day. Hobart arrivals and departures within control areas are not expected to be significantly delayed unless due operational reasons.

    Proposed TRA for Roulette activity near Hobart

    Submitted by

    Department of Defence Department of Defence
    Department of Defence