Requested Airspace Solution for the Australian F1 Grand Prix 2025

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    Open consultation
    11 days remaining
    Start 09/01/2025
    AEDT 11:00
    End 23/01/2025
    AEDT 17:00

    Submit feedback to

    Damian  Rigo
    Professional Helicopter Services

    An airspace solution has been requested to support aviation activities during the Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix.

    The issue

    As in previous years, Professional Helicopter Services Pty Ltd, on behalf of the Australian Grand Prix Corporation, has placed a request to the Office Airspace of Regulation (OAR) for a protective airspace solution to be provided around the Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix. This is due to the large increase in aviation activity within close proximity to Albert Park Lake. This activity is generally all associated with the event and is both rotary and fixed wing aircraft.

    Event dates

    • 13 - 16 March 2025

    Event times

    • 08:00 - 18:30 local time


    A request for an airspace solution has been placed with the OAR that, in the past, has resulted in a Temporary Restricted Airspace (TRA) being implemented around the Albert Park Lake area for the duration of the major event. This aims to provide additional protection to airspace users during the event due to the large increase in air traffic within the specific area. 

    This request has previously resulted in the establishment of two TRAs. One smaller TRA (R990) which is localised around Albert Park Lake itself extending to the edge of the Port Phillip Bay coastline and doesn’t impact on the Port Phillip Bay coastal Day Visual Flight Rules (VFR) route. R990 is proposed to be surface to 1500 feet and would be in place between 08:00 and 18:30 local time. R990 does impede on the Point Ormond Danger Area of which the operator of skydiving aircraft and Professional Helicopter Services implement procedures for continued operations for the duration of the event. 

    The Air Display TRA (R992) is much larger and is only active for the duration of military air displays of which activation is controlled and managed by Melbourne Centre. 

    The image below shows the boundaries of both R990 and R992.

    Boundaries of both R990 and R992


    One smaller TRA (R990) which is localised around Albert Park Lake itself extending to the edge of the Port Phillip Bay coastline and doesn’t impact on the Port Phillip Bay coastal VFR route. R990 is proposed to be surface to 1500 feet and would be in place between 08:00 and 18:30 local time

    Submitted by

    Damian Rigo
    Professional Helicopter Services