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Temporary restricted area (TRA) to be established for safety of flight due formation aerobatics display, which will affect CARR Visual Flight Rules (VFR) point and runway 35 approaches to Moorabbin Airport (YMMB).
TRA being established for safety of flight due formation aerobatics display.
Consultation with local stakeholders for proposal of establishing TRA in the vicinity of (IVO) Frankston for RAAF Roulettes Aerobatics Display.
TRA will encompass Class G airspace within 5 nautical miles of position 380848S 1450658E from surface (SFC) to the bottom of controlled airspace/6000 feet above mean sea level on 8 February 2025 from 15:55 to 16:20 local time (250208 0455 to 0520 zulu time). The TRA will affect the CARR VFR point and runway 35 approaches to YMMB, but excludes the coincident portion of D315.