About AvSEF

On this page

    The Aviation State Engagement Forum (AvSEF) deals with aviation matters of regional or national importance. The forum is a way to:

    • tell the community about matters affecting Australian airspace
    • seek feedback from the aviation community
    • find out about matters that may affect your local airspace.

    The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) manages the forum. Find further details about the forum and its governance: 

    Consultations and advisories explained

    We publish new consultations and advisories once a week, on Thursdays. You can find matters that relate to your geographic location using the main menu.

    We also send a weekly email to subscribers telling them about new posts to the forum. To get these emails sign up to the mailing list.


    We call a proposal or issue that is open to feedback from the aviation community a consultation.

    • Feedback goes direct to a nominated contact person. We do not mediate or monitor consultations though this forum.

    • If you use the forum for a consultation, you must give us a summary of the outcome within 10 days of the closing date.

    Advisory notices

    You can also tell the community about a decision or event without needing a response. We call these advisories.

    Common topics

    Below are the types of matters that relate to this community:

    • Declaring or removing a prohibited, restricted or danger airspace

    • Military exercises

    • Rocket launches

    • New aerodromes

    • Communications and frequency nomination

    • Changes to aeronautical information such as AIM products

    • Airspace classification and structure

    • Setting up Broadcast areas

    • Affects to airspace users due to major events

    • Changes to meteorological products

    Find matters that affect you

    Each week, new posts will appear on the homepage. You can also find matters that affect you by geographic location.

    • To find matters that relate to your local airspace, go to the relevant state or territory page(s) in the main menu.

    • The national page shows matters that are relevant to the wider aviation community in Australia or may effect many states or territories.

    Respond to consultations

    To give feedback, get in touch with the nominated contact person using the details provided in the consultation.

    In your response, outline the potential impacts in detail.

    • Describe how the matter may affect you or your operations.

    • Outline any broader effects on the community.

    • Ensure you support your claims with evidence, not just opinion. Include the sources of your evidence.

    Please note that your response may be one of many. This could mean that the outcome of the consultation is different to your own submission.

    Submit a consultation or advisory

    Whether you want to start a consultation or post an advisory – the process is the same.

    Follow the steps below to submit your matter to the forum.

    Prepare your consultation or advisory

    Plan ahead. Give people a minimum of 10 business days to respond to a proposal. Where possible, we recommend 28 days.

    You must submit your matter on, or before, the Tuesday of the week you need your post to appear. This gives us 2 days to prepare your post and include it in the subscriber email.

    Prepare your proposal. Because this is an Australian Government website all content must be accessible. This includes images and all other attachments.

    We provide some basic guidance on how to make content accessible.

    Submit your matter

    Use the online form to submit your consultation or advisory:

    When you submit the form, the system will display a reference number. The system will also send an email to the contact person that includes the reference number.

    If you have attachments

    Send any images or other attachments to us by email: avsef@casa.gov.au. Please include the reference number in the email. We use the number to match the files to your submission.

    Because this is an Australian Government website all content must be accessible. This includes images and all other attachments.

    We prepare your submission for publishing

    When we receive a new post, we: 

    • check for attachments
    • fix any obvious mistakes in spelling and punctuation
    • will contact you if key information is missing or unclear.

    We need at least 2 business days to prepare submissions for publishing.

    We post your submission to the forum

    We post new consultations and advisories to the forum on Thursdays. All new posts will appear on the home page of the forum.

    Your post will also appear under the state or territory page that relates to your matter. You can choose 'national' for matters of broad or general significance.

    For example, if your submission is about the Kalgoorlie-Boulder (YPKG) airspace it would appear under 'WA' in the menu. If your submission involved waypoints in more than one state or territory, it could appear under 'national' and each state or territory affected.

    We will also include your consultations or advisory in the weekly email we send to subscribers alerting them of new posts to the forum.

    Tell us about the outcome (consultations only)

    If you submit a consultation, please update your post with a summary of the outcomes within 10 business days of the closing date. We aim to publish your outcomes within 2 business days.

    Please enter the reference number we provide, so the system can match your update with the right submission. You will find the reference number in the email we sent confirming your submission.

    Contact us

    The Aviation State Engagement Forum is managed by CASA’s Industry Relations team. Our role is to maintain this website and post information on behalf of the aviation community. We do not act as moderator or censor content. The Industry Relations team (and CASA) takes no responsibility for the information provided by authors or respondents.

    You can contacted the team by emailing avsef@casa.gov.au.