Exercise HIGH SIERRA 23 - Townsville - Update 30/03/2023
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Through consultation with charter companies who operate to and from Kidston (YKID) regarding the initially proposed Temporary Restricted Area (TRA) PORCUPINE to support Exercise High Sierra 23 between 19 Jun - 05 Jul 2023, it was decided to raise the western portion of the airspace to create less impost to operators descending into and climbing out of YKID.
As such, this TRA was split and is now TRA-PORCUPINE, and TRA-COPPERFIELD. The outer dimensions have not changed, with a subdivision created. The western portion, TRA-COPPERFIELD, now has a base of TRA of FL120, and TRA-PORCUPINE retains the same base level as R737 at 7000 feet.
Conditional Status: RA2
Military Flying
Lateral Limits: 181955S 1442641E – 181416S 1445605E then along the counter clockwise arc of a circle radius 120.00NM centre 191439S 1464530E (TL/DME) - 201157S 1445336E – 200000S 1442000E - 192621S 1440629E - 192621S 1442504E - 181955S 1442641E